Monday, March 16, 2015

Days 12, 13, and 14: End of Week 2!!

Whole30: Days 12 thru 14

Between work and life, we are still SLAYING this Whole30 stuff!!  Andrew has some stuff going on with family and work too, so I'm extremely proud of both of us to keep all of this going.

Day 12
Breakfast: Boiled eggs and apple
Lunch: Green smoothie and a salad
Dinner: Pork chops, natural applesauce, and steamed broccoli
Snack: Banana "ice cream" (frozen banana put through a food processor)

Day 13 -- Friday the 13th

Breakfast: Green smoothie and boiled eggs
Dinner: Hu Kitchen -- Sweet Baby Jesus...if you live in NYC, you must try this place.  It's almost completely paleo and so much Whole30 compliant.  It felt great to eat out.
Snack: Raspberries

Day 14 -- End of Week 2
Selby and Sal are off on their honeymoon, so we decided to send them off with a surprise Aloha brunch!

Breakfast: Homemade sausage patties, hashbrown sweet potatoes, berries, scrambled eggs, and 100% orange juice.  I also made some compliant biscuits with almond flour.  It's recommended that we not do "fake" foods, but after 2 weeks, we thought it would be fine.
Lunch: Breakfast was so big and late, we decided to skip it.
Dinner: Chili (no beans), guacamole, and some compliant but less than recommended sweet potato chips made with sunflower oil.
Snack: Grapes

Disclaimer, gentle readers:  Saturday night I had a MELTDOWN.  I got cranky and sad and when Andrew asked me what was wrong, I burst into tears because all I wanted was pizza.  I didn't even want to go to the grocery store because I would have to pass my favorite Astoria pizza joint.  Through some encouragement from my mister, I finally got out, drooled a little as I passed it, but made the chili.  The sweet potato chips were a sort of compromise on having spent 2 whole weeks eating cleanly but refusing to out and out cheat.  So there.  I had an off evening, but I persevered.

Now we're on to week 3!!!!

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